NIHR Doctoral Fellow
Chief Investigator for the OPTimisE Trial
Marcus is a consultant physiotherapist specialising in shoulder and elbow injuries
Keele University
Lead Academic Supervisor
Jonathan is a physiotherapist with extensive experience of research into musculoskeletal disorders
Keele University
Academic Supervisor
Ben is a researcher specialising in qualitative research methods
Edge Hill University
Academic Supervisor
Chris is a physiotherapist and researcher with extensive experience in running clinical trials
University of Queensland
International Mentor
Bill is an internationally renowned expert in Tennis Elbow
University of Queensland
International Mentor
Nadine is an internationally renowned healthcare researcher
Patient Representative
Karin has experienced Tennis Elbow and will ensure that patients' views are included in the trial design
Specialist Physiotherapist
Vanessa is the Principal Investigator at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Specialist Physiotherapist
Emma is the Pricipal Investigator at University Hospitals Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust
Specialist Physiotherapist
Gareth is the Principal Investigator at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Birmingham
Trial Statistician
Jackie is statistician supporting the data analysis of the trial
Trial Manager
Dan is a trial manager based at Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit
Trial Manager
Andrew is a trial manager based at Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit